Molecular structure of the insecticide chlorpyrifos, a chemical that ERIA staff have conducted research on (structural diagram from
A glass shrimp, Palaemonetes kadiakensis, collected from the Mississippi
River near Dubuque, IA.
About ERIA
ERIA was founded in 2010 as a limited liability company to perform a variety of environmental services for both public and private clients. It was co-founded by Daniel and Jacqueline Call as a home-based small company, with a base of operations in Dubuque, Iowa, USA.
ERIA staff members are recognized experts in their respective areas of aquatic biology, environmental chemistry, aquatic toxicology, sediment toxicology, predictive toxicity modeling by QSAR, literature reviews, scientific editing, and report development. These staff members are themselves home-based, and have signed an agreement with ERIA to provide their expertise as may be needed on a contract-by-contract basis. Additional new experts will be sought as potential sub-contractors as projects demand.
Research activities that require laboratory facilities or specialized field equipment items that are not available in-house will be subcontracted out to other organizations. The overall responsibility for overseeing quality and timeliness will reside with Daniel Call at the ERIA home office.
ERIA’s basic company structure consisting of sub-contracted experts that are home-based and in regular internet communication with ERIA’s home office reduces overhead costs, and allows for these cost reductions to be passed on to our clients.
ERIA's small size and flexible structure make it ideally suited to serve as a prime contractor on smaller projects, or as a sub-contractor in specialty areas on larger multifaceted contracts.