A six-volume database on chemical toxicity to the
fathead minnow, Pimephales promelas, published
by ERIA scientists when affiliated with UW-Superior.
Extracts of chlorophyll from algae in the Mississippi River.
A light trap for collecting larval fish and aquatic invertebrates at night.
ERIA provides services to clients in two general areas; Document Work and Research; Specific types of work within these general areas include:
Document Work
ERIA's staff includes experienced scientific writers. Examples of types of documents that have been produced include drafts of EPA's water quality criteria documents for surface waters, drafts of test protocols for sediment toxicity evaluations for EPA and the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, a draft protocol for EPA for evaluating endocrine system effects of chemicals in fish, quarterly and final reports of research progress to government agencies, and scientific articles in peer-reviewed journals.
The staff at ERIA includes individuals with experience working in small streams, rivers, lakes and wetlands on aquatic population surveys; as well as chemists and toxicologists who have worked with and analyzed a wide variety of environmental chemicals. These chemicals include heavy metals, pesticides, and industrial organics.